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🌟Your first order of business when bringing home a new puppy is organizing a socialization plan so you can meet their needs before the critical 12-16 week socialization window closes.  Dogs are not lawn ornaments. They need mental and physical stimulation as part of a daily routine.

🧠Distributed learning sessions are great for exercising your dog’s mind.

👃 Scatter feeding and scent games are wonderful methods to burn energy.

🧒 Under supervision, children should play fetch or spend time teaching dogs too.


Dilutes are known for skin and organ issues.  Because we care about the long-term health of the puppies we produce, we only support the ethical breeding of Labradors in the traditional colors of black, yellows (ranging from ivory to fox-red), and chocolates (from light to dark).  Dilutes and dilute carriers are not acceptable for our breeding program.  
ALL of our dogs are Dilute Free.
Say No to Breeding Silver Labs
Connect with us on Good Dog
Proudly Raised with Puppy Culture
AKC Breeder of HEART
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