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Gochee's Tango with a Supernova CGC TKN



Dam: Tango’s Little Red Shooting Star

DOB: 10/11/2022

AKC: SS37533005

OFA Hips: Good

OFA Elbows: Normal

OFA Advanced Echo Cardiac: Normal

OFA CERF (Eyes): Normal

Clear of the full Embark DNA panel

Dilute Clear


Nova x Rowdy's Fox Red litter is planned for 2025!

Nova is from lines proven in every direction, service, therapy, hunting, hunt tests, search & rescue, air force, TSA, sports, and more! She is a very sweet, moderate energy girl that loves water..much like her grandfather, the dock diving legend JJF! If there is a pond around, she will be the first one swimming and the last one to stop..she also loves playing the sprinkler and any other form of water around! She has a huge dock diving jump and we are excited to title her in that venue next year! Her solid off switch also allows her to be a beloved family pet - Nova loves small children as much as she loves water! 



Scent work, dock diving, CGC's and trick dog titles are coming soon!

DNA tested through Embark!

Dilutes are known for skin and organ issues.  Because we care about the long-term health of the puppies we produce, we only support the ethical breeding of Labradors in the traditional colors of black, yellows (ranging from ivory to fox-red), and chocolates (from light to dark).  Dilutes and dilute carriers are not acceptable for our breeding program.  
ALL of our dogs are Dilute Free.
Say No to Breeding Silver Labs
Connect with us on Good Dog
Proudly Raised with Puppy Culture
AKC Breeder of HEART
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