Our final week with mama and littermates!
📸 This picture is a result of introducing “wait” and applying Attention is the Mother. We couldn’t be happier with these puppies.

All that remains this week is for plenty of great socialization experiences and final checks on health, vaccinations and microchips before we leave for our new homes. Our people are going to focus more on bell potty training, using our name when calling for food, and sleeping in our crate through the night, only getting up for a 2am potty break.
As the week draws to a close, we will be entering the next fear period which means we will startle or jump at strange sounds and sights. Socialization MUST begin immediately.
We’ve been introduced to the concept of sit, wait, heel (loose leash walking), crate training, potty training, manding, and resource guarding. The final concept of these tasks hasn’t been realized yet. Puppy Culture can help new families finish the training introduction we’ve started.
Why do we follow and promote Puppy Culture? It is our desire to raise smart, emotionally stable puppies. We encourage new puppy families to invest in BOTH because it makes having a new puppy a more enjoyable experience.
💭 Get familiar with Puppy Culture for a smooth transition from our home to yours. You will learn about general training, potty training, socialization, biting, resource guarding, body handling, benefits of positive reinforcement and how to set up an unsupervised puppy playpen. We recommend the following: 📀 Puppy Culture DVD's, 🐷 When Pigs Fly 👀 Attention Is The Mother DVD. Learn more here: shoppuppyculture.com/#a_aid=586d1fe5c07f4